Don't --wait to try them out, these databases from Gale and ProQuest are free during National Library week only! To access, go the the Databases by Subject LibGuide and click on the Free Databases for National Library Week tab.
Gale Databases
-Gale NewsVault
-Global Issues in Context
-Powerspeak Languages
-Science in Context
-Slavery and Anti-Slavery
-ProQuestĀ® Civil War Era, 1840-1865
-ProQuestĀ® African American Heritage
-Public Library Complete
-School Collection
-SIRSĀ® Issues Researcher
-SIRS DiscovererĀ®
-BowkerĀ® Books In PrintĀ®
Gale Databases
-Gale NewsVault
-Global Issues in Context
-Powerspeak Languages
-Science in Context
-Slavery and Anti-Slavery
-ProQuestĀ® Civil War Era, 1840-1865
-ProQuestĀ® African American Heritage
-Public Library Complete
-School Collection
-SIRSĀ® Issues Researcher
-SIRS DiscovererĀ®
-BowkerĀ® Books In PrintĀ®