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New LibGuide: US Government

Learn about the US Government, including the best books, eBooks, articles and media available from COM Library. Special sections on the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches as well as elections. COM Library's LibGuides are LibGuides are media rich and feature embedded videos, podcast feeds, RSS feed, books from the library catalog, and more! Go to the Guide!

  • Access the best COM Library and free government databases on the Find Articles page.
  • Read a Google preview COM Library's print book Baptism by Fire on the Find Books page.
  • Watch Facts of Congress: How a Bill Becomes Law or listen to classics like the Constitution of the United States, Common Sense, and the Gettysburg Address on the Find Media page.
  • Find your current elected officials, election and candidate information on the Elections page, as well as how to vote in Texas and Galveston County.
  • Get live feed from the White House on the Executive Branch page.
  • Students and faculty can leave a comment on any box on any page, review the entire guide or suggest more resources on the topic. Please donā€™t hesitate to provide feedback!



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