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Showing posts from June, 2009

Book of the Month: Hot, Flat and Crowded

Hot, Flat and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution - and How It Can Renew America Three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Friedman mapped the level economic playing field created by digital technology and global free-market capitalism in The World Is Flat (2005). He now adds two crucial elements to his galvanizing analysis of the state of the world: climate change and the population explosion. Weā€™re trapped in a catastrophic vicious circle: burning fossil fuels accelerates global warming as the human population increases and the global economy grows, so, too, does oil consumption. Add the malevolence of mega-rich ā€œpetrodictatorshipsā€ and Americaā€™s precipitous decline, and the need for change is urgent. Backed by flotillas of facts and observations gathered on his investigative journeys to the Middle East, China, India, and beyond, Friedman is lashing in his critique of Americaā€™s failure to face energy and climate realities. Yet his belief in Americaā€™s capacity for innovation inspires his c...

Leisure Collection at COM Library

The Leisure Collection contains popular and recently released books that can be checked out primarily for entertainment, whether you are looking for something to take along on a trip or simply for a break from course readings. The collection reflects a wide variety of reading interests, to meet the various tastes of our students, staff and faculty. The focus of the collection is fiction best-sellers and popular fiction genres, such as mystery, science fiction, fantasy, romance, adventure, and historical fiction. The books are arranged in alphabetical order by titles. Check out our Leisure Collection on GoodReads or come on in and pick up a good story! You are welcome to offer suggestions for additions to this collection. A suggestion box is located on the Circulation Desk. Please provide the title of the book, the author's name, and any additional information you have that would help us identify the book and its publisher. Though it is not possible to acquire every book suggested ...

How to Survive Office 2007 & Pix to Go

COM Library is offering two workshops this week, How to Survive Office 2007 from our student series, and Pix to Go in our community series: How to Survive Office 2007 Learn some basics about Office 2007. The emphasis will be on Word and cover hanging indents, changing margins, header & footer, double spacing, inserting images and more as time permits. COM Library's student series of workshops. June 24, Wed: 10 am, 1 pm, 6pm June 25, Thurs: 10 am, 1 pm, 6pm Next Student Workshop: How to Survive with EZ Citation Pix to Go: Flickr, Picasa Learn the basics of how to use these free photo sharing sites. June 26, Fri 10 am Next Community Workshop: Email to Go: Gmail, hotmail, Yahoo! Mail Find out more about our workshops.

How to Survive with Free Tools

COM students, learn about free tools you can use to make your life easier like citation builders, free office software, document storage and more! How to Survive with Free Tools is the first in COM Library's student series of workshops: June 17, Wed: 10am, 1 pm, 6pm June 18, Thurs: 10am, 1 pm, 6pm Upcoming Student Workshops How to Survive Office 2007 How to Survive with EZ Citation Find out more about these workshops or our Community Series of workshops.

Unleash Your Bookmarks with Bookmarks to Go!

Bookmarks to Go! is the first in COM Library's community series of workshops. Some sites are so great you want to save them at home, at work and use them on public computers. Now you can take them wherever you go. Learn how to set up portable bookmarks with Delicious, Google or Yahoo!, the options available with each free service, and which one might be the best for you. Friday, June 12, 10 am in the Library Classroom. Community workshops are drop in workshops. COM students, faculty staff and community are welcome to attend. Seating is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. Upcoming community workshops: Pix to Go: Flickr, Picasa Email to Go: Gmail, hotmail, Yahoo! Mail Office 2007 Tour Find out more about the workshops.

Book of the month: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

When Randy Pausch learned he was dying of pancreatic cancer, he found himself in quite a dilemma: at the top of his professional game, with a beautiful wife and three young children, how should he check out of life? A computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Pausch is the co-founder of the university's prestigious Entertainment Technology Center and has worked with such companies as Google, Electronic Arts and Walt Disney Imagineering. "I love thinking I might find a way to beat this late-stage cancer," he writes in The Last Lecture . "Because even if I don't, it's a better mindset to help me get through each day." Using the forum of his university's "Last Lecture" series, the terminally ill Pausch decided to distill his life lessons into a talk for students, friends and colleagues about how to achieve your childhood dreams. When Jeffrey Zaslow of the Wall Street Journal wrote a column about the lecture, and a video of the...


Access HotSpot web sites, eBooks and print books on D-Day, all available in COM Library. Photograph of Dwight Eisenhower Giving Orders to American Paratroopers in England, June 6, 1944, courtesy of the Library of Congress. Here are a few samples: BBC: Audio Slideshow: D-Day and Auschwitz from the air (website) ProQuest: History Study Center: The D-Day Landings, 6 June 1944 (map), Operation Overlord: The D Day Landings (animated map: click on the map and when larger version loads, click play), Preparations for D-Day, June 1944 (video clip, requires media player), The Road to D-Day (COM Only database) The Bedford Boys: One American Town's Ultimate D-Day Sacrifice (COM Only eBook) Normandy : the landings to the liberation of Paris (book) D756.5.N6 W5313 2008 Get more D-Day HotSpots .


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