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Showing posts from May, 2009

Free! COM Library Drop In Workshops

This summer COM Library is piloting free drop in workshops: the Student Survival Series and the Community Series. If successful, we will continue the program. Seating is limited and on a first come, first served basis. Student Survival Series Schedule Summer I How to Survive with Free Tools June 17, Wed: 10am, 1 pm, 6pm June 18, Thurs: 10am, 1 pm, 6pm How to Survive Office 2007 June 24, Wed: 10 am, 1 pm, 6pm June 25, Thurs: 10 am, 1 pm, 6pm How to Survive with EZ Citation July 8, Wed 10am, 1 pm, 6pm July 9, Thurs 10am, 1 pm, 6pm July 15 10am, 1 pm, 6pm July 16 10am, 1 pm, 6pm Summer II How to Survive with EZ Citation August 5, Wed 10am, 1 pm, 6pm Community Series Schedule Bookmarks to go: Delicious, iGoogle, My Yahoo! June 12, Fri 10 am Email to Go: Gmail, hotmail, Yahoo! Mail July 10, Fri 10 am Pix to Go: Flickr, Picasa June 26, Fri 10 am Office 2007 Tour July 24, Fri 10 am

Library Hours Through June 5th

The library hours during the interim are M-F 8-5, closed Saturdays through June 5 th , with the following exceptions: May 25 th Closed for Memorial Day May 26 th , June 1st and June 2 nd open 8-7 for registration Normal hours resume June 6 th : Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

"MISSING LINK" FOUND: New Fossil Links Humans, Lemurs?

Meet "Ida," the small "missing link" found in Germany that's created a big media splash and will likely continue to make waves among those who study human origins. From National Geographic . read more | digg story Related: Google Search: Missing Link +Ida TheLink National Geographic: PHOTOS: 7 Major "Missing Links" Since Darwin National Geographic: Atlas of the Human Journey

COM Library's 1st Annual Green Cleaning

This year COM Library is piloting the 1st COM Library Annual Green Cleaning. What is green cleaning? It is a chance for you to bring us your clutter: old textbooks, magazines, mail and more, and we'll make sure it gets reduced, reused or recycled! We're partnering with Purchasing and the Ecology Club so that nothing will go to waste. Why should you do it? Because everyone wins. Here's how: You You win because you get rid of stuff you're no longer using and more space in your place. Our Faculty Our faculty win because they can put old textbooks to good use. Our Students Our students win because they will directly benefit from funds raised by the Library and The Ecology Club, as well as getting access to the books added to the library's collection. Our Community Our community wins because landfill use is reduced and water and energy are saved. The Library The library wins because we get books for our collection or money to fund projects benefiting our students, facul...

Thousands of New eBooks

COM library has acquired over new eBooks in NetLibrary, bringing our total NetLibrary collection to over 38,000. New titles were all published in 2007, 2008, 2009. The library’s eBook collection covers a huge range of topics, from scholarly to leisure reading. Go to NetLibrary to see COM Library’s over 38,000 sorted by newest titles first . Here are just a few of the titles: Archimedes to Hawking: Laws of Science and the Great Minds Behind Them Barack Obama, the New Face of American Politics big red book of Spanish grammar Collaboration 2.0: Technology and Best Practices for Successful Collaboration in a Web 2.0 World Davisʹs guide to clinical nursing skills Eighteenth-century Novel and Contemporary Social Issues: An Introduction Good capitalism, bad capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity Sustaining life : how human health depends on biodiversity Under pressure and overwhelmed : Coping with anxiety in college Voting technology : the not‐so‐simple act of casting a ball...

Cinco de Mayo on Display

Artifacts and books on Mexican culture were on display in the library from Dr. Urbina, Blanca Comeaux and the Multiculture Team. If you missed it, you can still see highlights: check out the slide show on Flickr , view the books in the library, or check out our Cinco de Mayo HotSpots . Here are a few HotSpot samples: Cinco de Mayo de 1862 - La Batalla de Puebla (website) Encyclopædia Britannica: Cinco de Mayo , Puebla, Battle of (COM Only resource) The Mexican Revolution in Puebla, 1908-1913 : The Maderista Movement and the Failure of Liberal Reform (COM Only resource) Benito Juarez (book) F 1233 J9342 Upcoming displays: June: Juneteenth July: 4th of July

Swine Flu Outbreak

Get the facts from reliable sources including frequently asked questions, symptoms, Galveston County and Texas information, podcasts and videos from our Swine Flu HotSpots. Here are a few samples: CDC: H1N1 (Swine Flu) , Interim Guidance for H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu): Taking Care of a Sick Person in Your Home , follow CDC Emergency on twitter Galveston County Health District: H1N1 (Swine Flu) Information Mayo Clinic: Mayo Clinic expert answers your questions on swine flu , Swine Flu , Symptoms


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